UNWomen Planet 5050 Champion

Est une entité unique des Nations Unies qui a pour but d’améliorer la condition des femmes dans le monde.

Informations des Nations Unies sur le rôle de mademoiselle Tasha de Vasconcelos :

UNWomen Global Champion 50-50 by 2030

UNWomen is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, the organization was established in 2010 to accelerate progress on women’s rights worldwide. UNwomen’s efforts are based on the fundamental belief that every woman has the right to live free from violence, poverty, and discrimination, and that gender equality is a prerequisite to achieving global development.

My mission will be awareness in Women’s Health and gender issues and refugee and migrant women. To support and empower women globally.